Millet Masala Murmura (Native Food Store) 200g

42,00 kr

Native Food Store’s Millet Masala Murmura is a crunchy, spicy snack made with puffed millet and seasoned with aromatic spices. Light and crunchy, it’s perfect for snacking, adding a savory touch to your tea time or as a crispy side dish.

Nutritional Information
Nutritional Information pr. 100 g


" Ingredienser: Millet Crispy (73%) (VETEMJÖL, lite hirsmjöl, Kodo hirsmjöl, sorghummjöl, stabilisator - kalciumkarbonat (INS 170 (i)), riskliolja, lodiserat salt, naturlig antioxidant - rosmarinextrakt}, ris Kliolja, lodiserat salt, röd chilipulver, gurkmejapulver, torkade curryblad. ALLERGENRÅD: INNEHÅLLER VETE; DENNA PRODUKT PRODUCERAD I EN ANLÄGGNING SOM KAN INNEHÅLLA HAVRE, KORN, CASHEWNÖTTER, KOKONIT, VALNÖTTER, PISTACHENÖTTER, MANDEL, JORDNÖTTER, SOJABÖNOR, MJÖLK, SESAMFRÖ OCH SENAPS "

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Native Food Store’s Millet Masala Murmura is a crunchy, spicy snack made with puffed millet and seasoned with aromatic spices. Light and crunchy, it’s perfect for snacking, adding a savory touch to your tea time or as a crispy side dish.